Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just a few updates from the garden. Below is a picture of my Folliar Feeding Experiment. As you can see, there is no discernable difference between the Sea Magic and the Spray N Grow pots, but both have more blooms than the regular control.

This is a Hardy Cinnamon Tree that I got from the city for Arbor Day. I sprayed it with Sea Magic and it already has new growth!

As you can see, in the 3 weeks since I last took pictures, everything is growing like crazy! These are the Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans, Dill on the left and Garden Salsa Peppers on the right.

Lettuce in the middle of this picture, behind that gigantic Oregano, and the Tomatoes are growing nicely into their cages. On the fence is some kind of Jasmine that Momma planted that is taking over that fence, but it has really pretty yellow flowers.

You can see the Rattlesnake Pole Beans growing up the fence. The tomatoes are doing well, and the ones on the left (Black Krims) already have tomatoes the sizes of gumballs on them. That little herb in the center is Catnip, and the only reason it isn't big like the rest of the herbs is because Rusty and Jude like to lay on the cinder blocks and face-plant into it. I'll have to get a picture of that.

My squash have gone CRAZY! Compare this to the picture of the seedlings from a few weeks ago. My trick? Other than the folliar feeding, I spike their soil with blood meal. They are heavy feeders and LOVE it.

Happy Growing, y'all!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Funky Carrots... :)

This is the coolest, weirdest thing I have ever seen....

Hope you are having an amazing day!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Other Pretties...

Just some pretties! Here are some carrots I harvested for my SIL the other day, Tonga, Atomic Red, and St. Valery.
My Satsuma Orange tree, Little Sweetie variety...

And my Key Lime.

Look at all the little mini-baby limes!

I love this time of year!


Here is my set up. The edges of the garden are cinderblocks, providing little 'pots' for the herbs. The back is hurricane fencing, which I allow the pole beans and cucumbers to trellis up. The large herbs in this picuture are my Greek Oregano. It has begun rooting itself in the garden soil, even. Closest pictured are the Beefsteak Tomatoes, Purple Cherokee Tomatoes, Romaine, Rocky Top, and Green Leaf Lettuce. Mr. Stripey, Yellow Pear, and Giant Belgium Tomatoes are in the corner. The big fern-like plants on the right side are my carrots. The cucumbers are too small to be seen, but they are on the fence-line.

Here is a close up of the corner. Marigolds and Basil are planted in with all my tomatoes. They help control pests, Basil for the Nematodes and Marigolds for the Aphids. There is also my little squriel, the only kind I like in my garden.

Close-up on the Carrots. Broccoli is in the back-ground. Those 2 tomatoes in cages are the Black Krim. The herbs are, left to right, Sage, Thyme, and Aloe Vera.

Here are more tomatoes, Early Wonder, and Rattle Snake Pole Beans on the fence-line. The large herb is Flat Leaf Parsley. All along the right side are squash.

Close-up on the squash. I forgot what order I planted them in, but there will be Golden Scalloped, Yellow Crookneck, and Zucchini, so it will be a surprise when they start blooming. You can see the Rattlesnake Pole Beans in the background. There are also Garden Salsa Peppers planted on the left.

This is the far right side. Onions on the right, with peppers and dill to the left. Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans are along the fence-line.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What's Growing On? - My Spring/Summer Garden - 2010

I worked outside a lot today. I'll post pictures tomorrow, but I wanted to let y'all know what I'm growing this year! Itallics means not in gorund yet.

Mr. Stripey (1)
Yellow Pear (1)
Cherokee Purple (3)
Giant Belgium (4)
Early Wonder (7) - Hybrid, free seed from Tomato Grower's Supply
Brandywine (2)
Beefsteak (2)
Black Krim (2)
Sweet 100 (3)

Emerald Giant, Bell
Garden Salsa Hybrid

Eggplant - Purple Rain Hybrid

Rattlesnake Pole
Kentucky Wonder Pole

Thai Green
Bush Champion

Early Crookneck Golden
Pattison Golden Marbre Scallop
Grey Zucchini

Green Leaf
Rocky Top Mix

Broccoli - Packman

Carrots (left over from winter garden):
Atomic Red
Tonda Di Parigi
St. Valery

Texas Sweet Onions (leftover)

Leeks (leftovers)

Mint, Spearamint
Oregano, Greek
Thyme, German
Texas Tarragon
Dill, Fernleaf
Lavendar, Provincial
Mint, Chocolate
Mint, Lime
Oregano, Italian
Basil, Sweet
Chives, Garlic
Parsley, Flat Leaf

Key Lime
Satsuma Orange, Little Sweetie

Blackberries, Kiowa

And if I can convince Miss Jamie to give me a row out on her property (if it dries out enough for a tractor to get in there) then I will be growing Orangelo and Georgia Rattlesnake Watermelons!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Great Foliar Feeding Experiment - 2010

So I keep hearing about 'foliar feeding'. How plants do better with supplemented with nutrients and minerals taken in via their leaves and stems, in addition to traditional feedings via their roots. It does make sense, in that it is additional food. So I got to looking and I found 2 products that sounded like the best: Spray-N-Grow found on QVC and Sea Magic found through a number of seed companies such as Burpee and Park Seeds. But which one works best? Well, that's where little Miss Biology comes in. I'll preform an experiment!

Hypothesis: Foliar Feeding gives additional nutrients to plants via absorption of those nutrients through the leaves of the plant. We will test the effectiveness of 2 leading foliar feeding products, Spray-N-Grow and Sea Magic.

Variables: Sun-light, soil composition, root-fertilization (traditional), foliar fertilization, water, plant quality.

Experimental Design: 3 Petunia plants (Petunia x hybrida) will be potted in a garden soil (Scott's) and compost (composted cow manure) mixture. All three specimens will be set in full sun-light for optimal growing. They will all be watered as needed and will be fed every 2-weeks via traditional root feeding with Miracle Grow (watering can singles, 2 packets per 2 gallons of water, warmed by the sun). Specimen A will serve as the control and will not receive any additional care. Specimen B will receive a Foliar Feeding spray of Sea Magic ever 2-weeks, mixed as per the instructions of the product. Specimen C will receive a Foliar Feeding spray of Spray-N-Grow ever 2-weeks, mixed as per the instructions of the product. Foliar Feedings will be administered via pump-sprayers.

Measurement: Pictures will be taken at the time of planting, and ever week (Sunday) thereafter. The experiment will conclude in 2 months.

Theory: The specimens that are Foliar Fed will produce more blooms and foliage than the control. Because of its organic properties, the Sea Magic will preform best.

Check back for updates!